The windchill couldn't stop the Pronger
Tonight, the Edmonton Oilers played the Anaheim Mighty Ducks, including Chris Pronger who surreptitiously left our team last year. His departure remains a sore spot for many Edmontonians. Pronger had signed on with us for 5 years and took us all the way to the Stanley Cup final. He had 30 minutes ice time per game and was one of the league's top defensemen (are you impressed with my knowledge of hockey stats? I am. I owe it all to Garrett). Edmonton really welcomed him into our city and loved having him on our team. He was very very popular. Everywhere, men and women sported Chris Pronger's number on their shirts. He was a hero!
And then...he broke our hearts.
After the Stanley Cup bid, he asked to be traded to another team. Any other team. He said he wanted to leave Edmonton because of family reasons. Then he went on holidays.
Rumors flew! His wife is making him leave because...1. She hates Edmonton. It's too cold and she wants to be closer to her family. 2.Chris got a 19-year old girl pregnant. 3. Chris was caught having an affair with a reporter from CityTV. 4. Chris got a reporter from CityTV pregnant. 5. The CityTV reporter was transferred to another city because of her relationship with Chris. etcetera etcetera.
Pronger never addressed these rumors, so most people at least believe that his wife made him leave because he was caught cheating. In any case, he's never apologized for leaving us out to dry and never clarified his reasons for leaving. I mean, the least he could do was feel sorry!
He was traded to Anaheim shortly thereafter.
So tonight was his first game in Edmonton since then. We Oilers' fans were very mature. We only boo'ed the Mighty Ducks when Pronger had the puck. And threw some beer at him. Oh, and chanted 'Sell Out'. And some other things that aren't appropriate to write online.
Unfortunately, they beat us in overtime. Darn! I wish the minus 41 windchill would have slowed them down a little. I know it's been wearing down on the rest of us out here. (Sorry to mention the cold weather again, but it just keeps getting worse each time I write in this darn thing!).
Here is Pronger when he was an Oiler:
Looks good, doesn't he?

And here is his hair. Yes, his hair is really bad and always has been. But he is a hockey player - he's not supposed to have GOOD hair!

I read on the Sportsnet website that someone had a poster at the game that said: "Chris, 1985 called. They want their hair back." But honestly, his hair is way worse now than last year. Don't they have any hairdressers down in Anaheim? Maybe not. Maybe that's why everyone wears Mickey Mouse ears.
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