Yup, it's true. We received almost a foot of snow on the weekend. We took these pictures out at Garrett's parents house the other day. That's me and Heather, standing uncomfortably in the blizzard.

We took these on the drive from Garrett's parent's house to my house. This is on the snowy, icy Whitemud freeway.

Snow plow!

Snow plow number 2!

More dirty freeway. The black car on the left is the one that almost sideswiped us. Some people don't shoulder check, the dummies.

On the bridge.

Garrett took this one on his drive back to Calgary. Bad highways!

This is a huge icicle at his house. He sent me these pictures for the blog.

I took these ones on Monday morning as I left for school. There was about another 5 inches of snow on Monday morning, and another 3 inches on Tuesday morning.

This is looking down at my boot on my steps.

We were supposed to have our first ultimate practice at the park tonight, but I cancelled it. My other team was going to practice on Wednesday night - it was cancelled too. There is a hat tournament scheduled for Saturday. If the snow isn't melted by then, which it probably won't, it will be cancelled as well. Stupid spring!
You forgot to mention the -20 windchills that came with the stupid spring snow.
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