I was just guessing at numbers and figures,
Pulling your puzzles apart,
Questions of science, science and progress,
Do not speak as loud as my heart.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Davis (belated entry)
Here are some final pictures from my trip to Davis. One night, we went out to a local restaurant and had a drink.Amanda got a chocolate martini. It looked pretty yummy:On my last morning in Davis, we went for a walk through downtown and along the river out to the farm. First, we stopped and waited for the bakery to open to get some bread for our picnic lunch.There was this neat public art display right near where we waited.As you moved around the poles, the coloured light changed.Here are some pictures of downtown Davis. It reminded me of a small town, despite the population of 64,000 people. Once through downtown, we wandered onto the river path.This is the field where we had our picnic lunch.There were a ton of ducks in the field, some of which were very interested in our food (although we didn't share at all).Duckies.Curious and hungry duckies.More duckies. Or the same?Momma duck with babies.White duck.After lunch, we continued on through the river valley. Amanda and Ray relaxed on a bench out of the heat while I stalked the egret for a picture.The white bird in the middle is the egret. Too bad I couldn't get closer!I did, however, make a short movie of the egret fishing:Amanda found a big pinecone! It was pretty cool. She left it on the trail though, until a later time.We wandered through the arboretum. It was nice and shady there, a good escape from the hot sun that day.Some more river before we made it to the farm. At the farm there were....horses! And baby horses: Amanda with the horse.Momma horse, baby horse.Well, hello little buddy!This is the resident donkey. He was pretty cool, although I wanted him to call out (hee-haw!) while I was there and he didn't.And, lastly, this little dairy cow is part of Amanda's experiment. The cows are trained to step on that 8'x8' square to trigger the shower, in which the cows can stand to cool off on those hot California days. "Who you lookin' at?"
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