Kitty for Rent
Last night, I lent my kitty to my friend Joelle and her roommate. They moved into a new basement suite a few weeks ago, shortly after which they discovered they weren't the only inhabitants in the suite - mice! Little micey guys who climb into their orange box and cupboards and sleep in their storage room. They tried mouse traps (sticky pad type) but had no luck over several days, so we thought that perhaps a cat could get the job done. Pumpkin isn't a super-hunter, but she has caught a bird before, so we know she has the capability to catch wild animals. Plus, she's really quick and likes to chase things, so perhaps she might be able to score a mouse. We'll see. In any case, she's over there for a few days, earning her keep with some hunting tasks. This means that it's pretty lonely around my place, without my little buddy there to keep me company. I'll get her back tomorrow night and then it can all go back to normal. I will update you if she manages to catch anything!

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