Unlikely search result...or is it?
Today I was searching on Google Images to find some pictures of cirrhotic (damaged) livers for the presentation I have to give next week at my candidacy exam. This picture came up when I searched 'cirrhosis liver':

Well, we do know that Pam And has hepatitis C, which results in liver damage (including liver cirrhosis) and leads to liver cancer, so I guess it's not totally crazy that she would come up with those keywords...but still!
The other interesting part about finding her picture is the article that accompanied it regarding her hepatitis C infection. The article described how Pamela isn't taking the standard antivirals to treat her infection, but instead takes a daily medicine concocted for her by her homeopathic doctor. Pamela says her liver just "keeps getting healthier" from this treatment.
Hmmm...seeing as I work in a lab that studies hepatitis C and my supervisor treats patients all the time for the disease, I find it unlikely that her homeopathic doctor has found some miracle cure for her...but hey, whatever makes her feel happy, I guess!
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