Disaster at Dodgeball
I entered my dodgeball team in a tournament on Saturday. We had to pick up a few extra subs for the day, because not everyone from our regular roster could make it out. Enter my friend Sarah and her boyfriend Doug (as well as a few others, but they aren't key to the story).
Everyone in the tournament showed up at the school gym around 10:45, in order to hear tournament announcements and be there for the first game, once the schedule went up. Things started late, however, as usually happens at events with lots of people, so my team warmed up in the interim. We were just throwing the balls around, loosening up our arms and goofing around. Sarah and Doug showed up and I explained some of the rules to them, then they started warming up as well. The next thing I know, Sarah falls on the floor and grabs her knee. Apparently she had jumped over a ball someone had thrown her way, and the foot she landed on slipped out from under her. It became apparent to us quite quickly that her knee was seriously damaged - we could see her knee cap didn't look quite right. It seemed to be in two pieces, with a ridge going horizontally across her knee at the break point. Eek.
We called an ambulance, which came about 10 minutes later and wheeled her away. Great way to start out tournament and a terribly ending to Sarah's dodgeball debut.
Joelle and I tried to call her throughout the day to no avail (apparently her cell phone was left in her car, which was in the school parking lot), but we found out that evening that she had indeed broken her knee in two places. Garrett, Joelle and I met Sarah and Doug at the hospital to help her into Garrett's car and get her home. She didn't need surgery (yet?) but her entire leg was strapped up in a support (it wasn't a cast, but was more like thick foam tied on with big white straps down her leg). She couldn't move it well without pain, so getting her out of the wheelchair and into the backseat of the car was a good deal of work. Unfortunately, she is going to be on crutches for 6 weeks at least, not to mention physiotherapy and possibly surgery if things don't heal right. We were all feeling pretty bad for her.
Aside from the terrible knee accident, the rest of the tournament was really fun. We played six 30 minute games, which, I can tell you, is more than enough dodgeball for one day. I had registered us in the middle division at the tournament, however they ended up merging the three tiers into two, and we got stuck in the top. We won our first game, lost our second and won our third. We then lost all the rest of our games, although the scores were a difference of 1 point in a number of those games. I think our team might be way more honest than other teams, because I think we should be doing better than we are. It's all self called, so sometimes if the ball just knicks me, I go off because I'm out. Perhaps a less honest person would just stay on, because no one else could tell if they were hit or not. Ah well, that's just like life in general, I suppose. I got a few pictures from my friend Mic, although most of the action shots didn't turn out. There are a bunch of the team on the wall before the whistle is blown and we run to get the balls. Look for Garrett and I - we are both there in a few.

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