University Nationals - semi-finals
Sunday arrived bright and early - a third day of sunshine and warmth. However, we were up early again because our game was at 9am against SFU. Our team was excited for a rematch when we would be fresh and ready to go! We showed up early and eventually found our field (they had moved us way over near Thunderbird Stadium, and we got lost trying to find it). My parents and grandparents showed up partway through the game to watch me play, and I hope they were kept entertained by the game, even if they didn't know exactly what was going on all the time. The game was very intense and we all laid it on the line to score some points. We definately made a better showing of ourselves in this game against SFU than we had the afternoon before. In the end, we simply ran out of time while trying to catch up in points, and they won 13-10. So close! I felt pretty disappointed that we lost, since we had tried so hard and seemed so close to winning. With this loss came the end of our tournament, since we only got to play another game if we had won.
Here is our team:

After the game, I spent the rest of the day with my family. We left Joelle with our team so she could fly home with them that evening, and went to Kyle's house so I could shower and change. Later, we had a nice dinner and then Mom, Dad, the grandparents and I headed off to catch the last ferry back to Gibsons.
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