Garrett and I started our holidays by driving down to Penticton, where my friends Bill and Deanna live. I've been friends with Deanna since highschool, and have known Bill nearly as long, since they started dating while we were all still in Gibsons. Now, they're all married up and recently upgraded their condo-style house to this three-bedroom deal:

Don't judge it from its outward appearance - it's a very nice house on the inside. It just needs some updating on the outside. Bill and Deanna have already done a ton of yard work, so it looks better than it did.

We arrived in Penticton around 6:00pm on Friday evening and after a brief visit at their house, we walked over to Earl's for dinner. After dinner, we returned to their house and cracked open some beers and some wine. We chit-chatted and played some card games, including the game called Guillotine (borrowed from Garrett's sister). If you haven't tried this card game, you should - it's really fun.

In addition to visiting, we were hugely entertained by Bill and Dee's kitties: Keeko and Luna.
This is Luna. She's the newest member of the household and is about 6 months old. She is super playful and quite snuggly, which is part of the reason they got her.

Keeko, however, is not so impressed with the new cat.

Keeko is a nice cat, although not totally a "people-cat", so Bill and Deanna adopted Luna to fulfill their needs for a snuggly kitty. Here's Luna snuggling:

Luna snuggling Garrett:

Luna, sleeping in Garrett's suitcase:

Here's Keeko, not snuggling:

Anyway, we had a delightful time (do I sound British?) visiting with my old pals, and it's really convinced Garrett and I to visit them more often if we can. Not only do we enjoy their company, but Penticton has awesome weather! It's so warm there and everything is still growing - not like old Edmonton out here.
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