Monday at the conference was a grueling 17 hours of science. We started at 8:30am, and had sessions up until 10:00 at night, followed by a 2 hour poster session. I skipped out briefly to meet Andi for dinner for her birthday - Happy Birthday Andi! Then I dutifully went back and continued to attend the talks. The poster session was a little better, because we had free drink tickets and I met some of the other grad students attending.
Tuesday was a little better because there were only sessions in the morning, while the afternoon was given to us as free time, or you could go on an organized boat tour of the Vancouver harbour. Seeing as I grew up around Vancouver, I didn't feel the need to see it all again on a boat, so instead, Mom came out to visit me and stay the night. I met her around noon and we went to the shopping mall nearby to have lunch at Whitespot. Yum! I miss Whitespot when I'm in Edmonton. They just don't make it the same out there. We shopped for a bit, but got a little bored of it, so we loaded up and drove out to the casino. We diddled around for awhile, playing some slot machines here and there. Finally, I decided to go try to chase a little old lady off one of the machines I liked (I didn't really, she was already gone by the time I got to her), and just as I'd walked away from Mom for a few seconds, she started calling me back in her excited 'I've won something!' voice. She won 200$!! Not bad hey?! Too bad she could only win once I walked away - turns out luck isn't passed on as a genetic trait.
After the casino, we drove out to meet Kyle for dinner. We saw his place - a nice big house, perhaps a little messy but what can you expect with 3 boys. We went to Red Robin's for dinner, where we had a delicious meal. Mom took a picture of Kyle and I after dinner:

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