There is an online comic called Piled Higher and Deeper (or PhD, at that depicts the lives of graduate students. Recently they had a string of comics describing a Teaching Assistant (TA) and the tutorials she had to run. I know they are a bit small, but I hope you can read them:

I've been TAing a course this term and with the midterm approaching, I am running tutorial help sessions for the students. I spent some time on the weekend studying the material and making up practice questions for the tutorial. I spent another afternoon writing up the answers to the practice questions so that I would be able to answer my own questions. I found some name tags that I wanted students to wear, so that I could learn their names. Finally, tutorial time came around and I brought all my stuff to the classroom a few minutes early to set up. Once I had hooked up my computer to the projector and organized my stuff, I sat down and waited. And waited, and waited. Finally, one student came in. ONE STUDENT!! He was the only student to come during the entire hour. The next day, I brought candy to my tutorial. Again, only one student came (the same guy as the day before!). So, perhaps you can see the irony of my situation when you compare it to the comics!
Too funny! I bet that guy is a future grad student. At least you got to eat all the candy by yourself... ;-)
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