On Saturday afternoon, Bonnie, Sean, Garrett and I met up in Hawrelak Park to enjoy the Silver Skate Festival. This is a Dutch inspired event, and included Dutch snacks at the concession, free skate rentals, sleigh rides and the opportunity to try sledge skating and speed skates. As well, there was a speed skating marathon earlier in the day w(hich we didn't attend). The weather on Saturday was fantastic and sunny - a perfect day for skating! Here's the pond in Hawrelak Park:

Both Bonnie and I were pretty unsteady on our skates but soon enough gained some balance. Both Garrett and Sean have grown up on skates, so they had no problem getting around.

Garrett took some pictures of me later in our skating adventures, when I was more steady on my feet. He made it look like I was going super fast!

I took some pictures of Garrett skating, when I made him skate as fast as he could so I could see how awesome he was (he was very awesome):

Here are some more pictures of us skating:

After skating, we checked out the snow sculptures. There weren't that many, but they were pretty impressive nonetheless.

This next sculpture is a dome with an angel carved out of the inside:

Lastly, we went on a sleigh ride! It was my first sleigh ride ever, and was very exciting, although Bonnie kept threatening to push me off the sleigh and into the snow (she didn't because I claimed I would take her down with me).

It was a really nice afternoon and I'm glad we were able to see the festival. Hopefully we can go every year and experience as great of weather as today!
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