We're famous!
Well, sort of. Check out the video of our ultimate team, Je Huck Bien, playing last weekend:
I was just guessing at numbers and figures, Pulling your puzzles apart, Questions of science, science and progress, Do not speak as loud as my heart. -Coldplay
Well, sort of. Check out the video of our ultimate team, Je Huck Bien, playing last weekend:
On Monday, Garrett found out he was successful in the competition for a job with a consulting company in Calgary! While we're very excited that he now has a real (grown-up) job, we approach this development with mixed feelings, since now he has to move away to Calgary in 3 weeks time!
This weekend was way too busy. Like my whole week, we just had too much to do!
I had originally thought that this week would be nice and relaxing, since dragonboating was finished and I no longer had practices for it. How foolish I was. On Monday night, instead of dragonboat practice, Garrett and I went to see the Bourne Ultimatum at the theatre. We had actually tried a few times before now to go see this movie, but had underestimated its popularity. One night, we went there only about half an hour early, but figured we'd be ok since there were a lot of show times. It was not to be. We were about 20 people from the front of the line when the announcement was made that the movie was full. Since there were no other movies we wanted to see that were playing around the same time, we went home. The second time we tried to go, we even met our friend Randy there. We weren't much earlier than the last time, but it wasn't as busy a night so we thought we'd be ok. No luck. This time, we made it about 10 people from the front of the line when the movie sold out. We went home again. So, on our third attempt, we finally made it in to the movie. Albeit, it was a Monday AND we went to a different movie theatre. In any case, we really enjoyed that movie, so if you want a cool action flick check it out (however, I recommend reviewing the first two Bourne movies beforehand - there were a few things in the movie that didn't make sense to me because I didn't remember the first two movies that well).
This past weekend was the 11th annual Edmonton Dragonboat Festival, and the second annual participation by the Department of MMI's dragonboat team, named "22 Scientists in a boat". While this is a bit of a misnomer, because we also had a psychiatry graduate student, an archivist and several friends or family of scientists, we were over 90% scientists and felt justified in using our name again this year. As well, and perhaps predictably, we dressed similar attire to last year - that is, as nerdy scientists.
This week, both my Tuesday and Thursday teams had excellent games.
Ian shared his pictures from our Saskatoon tournament and he took one of me that I find funny and amazing, all at once. Check it out:
One of the perks in grad school (if you're supervisor is flush enough) is the free trips to scientific conferences around the world. Last year, the International hepatitis B meeting was in Richmond, BC. This was fine, since it was a free trip home, but it really isn't the most exciting place in the world. This year, however, the conference is in ROME!! Sweet! Not only do I get to go to Rome for free, but I basically get a free trip to visit Amanda and Ray! I've already booked my flights to London and through on to Rome with Amanda in tow. In fact, the trip will be even better, because my mom and dad are going to England around the same time and are going to stay in Rome with us as well! Thus, a great trip becomes even greater!
Garrett passed his Master's defense with flying colours, and we helped him celebrate last night with a BBQ at my place. First, I made Garrett let me take a picture of him fresh out of his defense:
Tomorrow is Garrett's Master's thesis defense! I just wanted to write and wish him luck, although I know he's going to do spectacularly and will pass with flying colours! He's worked very hard for the duration of his graduate work, especially so in the last few months to complete his thesis and finish his degree. Now, tomorrow at 9am he will start his defense and after a few hours of questions from his committee, he will be done and it will all be over! Then, we will have a party for him and celebrate - so I may not be able to post tomorrow evening, depending on how rockin' the party is at my place.
On Monday, Bonnie and I went down and checked out the Heritage Festival at Hawrelak park. I've actually been to this festival all three years that I've lived in Edmonton, but there's always something new to try. The festival is HUGE and consists of food booths from many different countries. You buy tickets and then use the tickets to buy food items from whichever booth takes your fancy. Bonnie and I rode our bikes to the park and then joined the masses to wander around and check out the booths. We started off with a good pick - I got baklava and Bonnie got a spinach samosa from the Azerbajain. And no, I actually have no idea where that country is, but they DID win the 'Best Food' Award and rightfully so! Their food was delicious!
We returned last night from the Disc Odyssey ultimate tournament in Saskatoon. Our crew this weekend for the trip included Garrett, me, Joelle, Ian, Bonnie, Catherine and Mic. We were fortunate that Catherine's parents were pleased to accomodate us in their yard for the weekend - their side yard became our little tent city for several nights. Not only was it a cheap place to stay while we were out there, but her parents were super nice and overly hospitable - they provided us with breakfast, coffee and juice on both mornings!
Bonnie sent me an email with some information about cancer and nutrition, that was supposedly from the John Hopkin's Research Institute. For those of you who aren't familiar with John Hopkin's, it is a very prestigious research institute with a very good reputation. Thus, after reading the email I found it VERY hard to believe it's from John Hopkin's, since most of the information contained within is wrong and false. I would like to highlight some of the more ridiculous statements made in the email. I understand that some of the statements might not be as ridiculous to other people, since I do happen to know a lot about this sort of sciency stuff, but I will try to explain why they are ridiculous so you don't fall victim to believing other such rubbish.