I'm planning on moving in with Bonnie at the end of the summer, and she made a comment a week ago that all of my bathroom stuff will not fit in her bathroom once I move in with her. At first I thought she was crazy, because in my current bathroom, I only have two shelves to store stuff - no counter, drawer or cupboard space. At her house, I would have half a vanity cabinet, three drawers, half a cupboard and half a counter. Tons of room! However, upon closer examination of my bathroom shelves, I did notice a lot of items there that were relatively unnecessary and outdated. So, I started going through my stuff and was slightly shocked at the amount of junk I had.
Right off the bat, I was able to select a number of things that could go directly into the trash (my apologies if any of this stuff was given to me as a gift, but I have kept it for a long enough time that I can't remember you gave it to me anyway). See below, thirteen items that are superfluous to my bathroom lifestyle.

Let's number them 1 through 13 from left to right. Items 1 and 2 are both items given to my
sister by my mom at least 10 years ago. However, these passed to me awhile ago (no idea why) and have been around so long that item 1 had turned pretty disgusting by now. I recall it used to be a translucent blue liquid, but it had become an opaque, whitish-blue liquid. Ew. Item 3 is an almost empty bottle of travel hairspray. Items 4, 5 and 8 are tubes of hand lotion. Item 11 is bug spray, that I actually DO use during the summer, but that bottle was almost empty so I tossed it. The rest are just random stuff that I don't use often enough and can't really recall why I kept them.
In addition to the things I immediately identified as 'trash', I also realized that I have a TON of lotion. Lotion for all purposes and with many scents. Behold, my lotion plethora:

And, in case you were worried I might run out, I also have this baby in reserve:

Now, I admit it seems like I have a bit of a problem, but I bought the extra lotion bottle when it was "buy one, get one free", so I couldn't choose not to get the free one!
Here are my hair products.

Some of these just became obsolete with my new hair cut, but still, there are a fair number of them living in my bathroom.
Behold further hair accoutrements:

A bajillion bobby pins, also somewhat obsolete with the new hair.

Above, find hair elastics, head bands, hair clips and more.
I also seem to have a problem with collecting too many travel shampoo and conditioner bottles. I had all of these on my shelf:

Yes, one set was stolen from a hotel room. I also have this nifty little travel kit that contains not only travel shampoo and conditioner, but also travel lotion and travel body wash:

In addition to the inane pleasure I take from cleaning and purging myself of useless stuff, I also happened to find a necklace that I had thought lost a few months ago!

I was pretty excited when I found it. I did a little dance. That's how happy I was.
Finally, I was finished. After rinsing and recycling most of the superfluous items, I re-organized my shelves so that they look like this:

Beautiful, clean and organized. I bet now I won't have enough stuff to fill even one of the drawers at Bonnie's place! Or maybe I will...but it's still better than before.
Interestingly enough, Bonnie wasn't the only one who noticed my shelves were overflowing. After I told Garrett I had cleaned my bathroom shelves, he mentioned he had noticed a few weeks ago that the shelves were getting a little full. Humph! Well, the problem is taken care of now.
By the way, does anyone want an extra bottle of lotion?