Star Trek
We went to Vulcan, Alberta last weekend. Here are some of the shots from our trip!Garrett and his co-workers.The Hoeksema Crew and me!Post office in Vulcan. Some of you should get a post card soon!What a good cadet!We had lunch here:They only had one Star Trek-themed burger - the Spock burger. I ordered it. It had salsa, mushrooms, bacon and cheddar. It was pretty good!In the Enterprise Family Restaurant, with my Vulcan ears on!Mmmm...Vulcan eating a Spock burger. Is that wrong?Garrett's a Vulcan, too!Mural of the doctors of Star Trek, on the side of the pharmacy."Dammit, I'm a doctor, not a mural!"Dr. Beverly Crusher, from Star Trek: The Next Generation.Some Klingon words to consider.