Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Locked out
The other day, Karl found the key which fit the lock on my desk drawers at school.
I put it in the lock on the bottom drawer - it didn't turn.
I put it in the lock on the top drawer - bingo. I locked the drawer.
I turned the key back to unlock - wait - uh oh.
I tried harder to turn the key back - no luck. Lift, wiggle, twist, push, wiggle, shake. No luck.
I gave up for awhile, hoping that if I walked away and tried again in a few minutes, it would turn easily when I retried. No luck.
I got Karl to help me with my drawer. Using his super power skills, he...broke the key in two.
I called the workshop. The handyman came over with some tools. He pried open my drawer. Then he dismantled the lock completely, since it was now broken anyway.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Winter Re-play
Yup, it's true. We received almost a foot of snow on the weekend. We took these pictures out at Garrett's parents house the other day. That's me and Heather, standing uncomfortably in the blizzard.

Friday, April 18, 2008
Elvis has LEFT the curling rink
On Friday afternoon, my department had a curling funspiel. I made a team with Joelle, Nikki and Mike. We decided to dress up, called ourselves "The Flying Elvises" and showed up dressed as below:
Here is Nikki up close - we bought Popeye candy cigarettes to carry around with us.
My hair is done up in an Elvis curl, but that didn't show up very well in any of the pictures.
I made a few videos of the bonspiel, however I can't figure out how to rotate them so they are facing up on the blog. So, I apologize for the sideways view. Otherwise, enjoy "Sweeping Elvises" and Nikki's Elvis dance.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Every day life
Here is a peak into mine and Pumpkin's lives:
Pumpkin plays baseball with the toys. Sorry for the low angle - I couldn't rig anything better for the camera to sit on.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Care package
A week ago, my wonderful mother, sister and granny sent me a care package. It included:
1. Chocolate - a given when sending something my way!

Photo box
I finally filled the photo box that I received for my birthday from Garrett's mom. I ordered some of my favorite pictures and fit them into the sides of the box. I absolutely really really love the photo box! It looks so fantastic! It's amazing-ness is difficult to tell in my pictures, but believe me, it's great.
Front side: southern Alberta in February, taken by Garrett on our way down to Fernie.
Left side: parrot in the Westin Maui, taken by Bindi.
Back side: sunset in Moab, Utah, taken by Garrett from our campsite at Sandflats Rec Area in June 2007.
Right side: Mount Robson glacier, taken by Garrett in July 2007.
Top: Haleakala volcano crater in Maui, taken by moi in Dec 2007.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
An Engineer's Guide to cats.
Check this out. I laughed so hard. My favorite part is 'corporal cuddling' and the new art form of cat yodeling. Thanks to Kristina for passing this one to me!
Friday, April 11, 2008
You may recall last summer when my backpack got a hole in it - from a critter! Here is the hole:
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Computer camera fun
This evening, I played with the camera on my computer and took some fun pictures. My computer has a bunch of fun effects that I can use and I thought I'd show you some of them! For anyone else who has a Mac (Ray!), this is probably old hat to you, but I sure had some fun with it.
This one below is called "Glow". It makes me look like I have funny age spots on my face.

This next one is called "X-Ray" (duh!). It looks awesome and cool, both at the same time:

This next one is called "Thermal Camera". Here's one from the weekend when I was visiting Garrett:

"Comic Book". We look tough, like super heroes.

"Pop Art". My computer is Andy Warhol! Yay!

"Colour Pencil". This one isn't my favorite, but I thought I'd show it anyway.

After taking a range of photos of myself, I decided to take some of Pumpkin. She's worse at being still for the camera than I am. At first, I tried to hold her up to the camera:

After that, I decided to carry the computer to her and take her picture while she sat there. This worked a lot better!

Look, it's Comic Book Pumpkin!

Thermal Pumpkin!

Pop Art Pumpkin!

Here's Pumpkin and I. Aw, we're friends. You can tell she cares by looking in her eyes...