Happy Halloween
On Friday night, we celebrated Halloween. As promised, here are the photos. We went as the 'X-men'!
Below: Garrett - Professor X. Kim - Storm. Joelle - Jean Grey. Jean-Francois - Beast.

I was just guessing at numbers and figures, Pulling your puzzles apart, Questions of science, science and progress, Do not speak as loud as my heart. -Coldplay
On Friday night, we celebrated Halloween. As promised, here are the photos. We went as the 'X-men'!
Last night I saw an info-mmercial for a website that sells costumes for Halloween. It seemed like a joke commercial, but it's truly trying to sell costumes to guys who would have lame costumes otherwise. For example, they show a guy at a party dressed as the back half of a two man horse, with the requisite front half missing from the party. Another guy is dressed as 'Hanglider man' - no one can get within 8 feet of him because of his hanglider span. The commercial says "Why go in a lame costume, when Captain Your Halloween can give you a great costume! You could be 'First Class Male' (black outfit, with an oversized first class postal letter on the front).
It snowed!
When we were kids, every summer Kyle and I would go to the Wickson's house in Vancouver. We would spend a week with our friends, Craig and Jenny. Their dad, Mark, used to be an RCMP officer, and when he had to drive us around, he would challenge us to find a license plate with a 'Q' in it. He bet we couldn't find one, but if we did, he offered us some money (I can't remember how much, maybe 5$, maybe 20$). It was a pretty safe bet for him, because 'Q' is never used in normal license plates - it looks too much like an 'O' or a zero. Thus, we had to find personalized license plates, and hope that they had included a 'Q' somehow in their design. This was also difficult to find, because there are not many phrases or acronyms with a 'Q' in it. It was, however, an effective game for Mark, because it meant us kids were quiet for awhile.
I am on the graduate recruitment committee in my department. I'm involved in getting new graduate students to our department each year. We are having a recruitment event in a few weeks, and I'm required to go around to some of the undergraduate classes and spread the news about it.
This morning, Pumpkin was sitting on my lap at the table while I ate breakfast (like usual) when she spotted the neighbour's cat outside our window. Bam! She shot off my lap and up to the windowsill like a bat outta hell. She then proceeded to poof up and make deep-throated, mean kitty noises while trying to attack the cat through the window (my cat isn't nice to other cats - this is well documented). I took some pictures of her because she looked funny:
Today, while at the costume store, Bonnie and I saw some hockey players. Oiler hockey players. Now, I'm not that good at identifying hockey players in real life, but once I got home and checked their pictures on the website, I was pretty certain it was Jarret Stoll and Ales Hemsky. Ales Hemsky has a distinct baby face and a missing front tooth. I don't really understand why he doesn't get that fixed? Other hockey players have fake teeth that they take out for the games. It's not like he doesn't have enough money...
Tonight we went to the Haunted Barn at the Cornmaze, which is just outside the city near Garrett's parent's house. The Cornmaze runs all summer, but at Halloween they add on the haunted barn portion. We went out there just at dusk and entered the Cornmaze first. It was super muddy everywhere because we've had a lot of rain lately, but we were forewarned by Garrett's sister Heather, since she works at the Cornmaze parttime and was aware of the muddy conditions. Bonnie, Garrett and I all brought an extra pair of shoes, and rolled up our pant legs. The Cornmaze has a different design every year, and this year it is in the shape of a hockey player and an Oiler's logo. We wandered in the entrance and proceeded to get lost. That is the point of a maze, after all. Here are some pictures of us in the Cornmaze. Garrett and I are scared!
Garrett got a slow leak in one of his tires, so he took it in to Fountain Tire today to get it repaired. Bonnie drove down with us to pick us up and shop with us while we waited for it to be done. They estimated it would take an hour, so off we went. We visited London Drugs, checked out some shoes stores for Bonnie to look for boots and went to Chapters and Starbucks.
Tonight we watched the George Clooney movie called 'Syriana'. It was interesting, because it portrayed American Oil Companies as underhanded, money-grubbing, middle-east political interfering rednecks. George Dubya would not have liked this movie. The more I think about it, the more I liked it, although it started out very disorganized - it shows a number of different people doing a number of different things, all of which don't relate to each other. However, eventually (I mean it, eventually) it all gets pulled together. It's a heavy movie, in terms of thinking and politics and terrorism, so don't watch it if you're looking for something light, but in the end, it's worth seeing.
On Thursday nights Bonnie and I watch Survivor: Cook Islands. This is an activity stemming from years ago, when we both lived in Vancouver and had a weekly 'girl's night' to keep in touch. In summertime we'd often do outdoor activities, like go for coffee, go out to a movie, watch a baseball game or go to the beach. In winter, we'd watch Survivor or other tv shows. Thus, I have a special place in my heart for Survivor, even though I recognize that every year the show is basically exactly the same. Now that Bonnie lives in Edmonton we have reinstituted our Survivor watching, complete with dividing up the players and putting a few dollars on who we think will be the winner. Garret is also in our pool, although he isn't able to watch the show with us, due to his being in Fort Mac during the week. We divided up the players after a few episodes, so that we each had 6. So far, Garrett has already lost 3 (ouch!) and I have lost 1. Bonnie still has all her players! Anyway, it's a good time and nice to meet up every week consistently during our busy schedules.
I don't have anything interesting to write about today. It was a busy day at the lab, but not very exciting. Today, tomorrow and friday I have to repeat the same thing - harvest my cells, isolate several different parts for analysis. BORING! But it has to be done. Not all (any?) lab work can be exciting!
Today there was snow when I got up. SNOW! It was only on the ground in some spots, and I guess it wasn't that surprising considering it snowed all day yesterday (although it didn't stick to the ground at all). My front steps were super slippery. I recall this was a problem last year too. I wonder if there is any sort of grippy stuff I can buy to make them less slippery. Probably. If anyone knows what it's called, let me know. Anyway, I guess I can't complain too much - I mean, we could have had snow a month ago. But it is colder than average, so that's a bummer. I have already started wearing my gloves and scarf, although haven't resorted to a toque yet. I did, however, wear this headband ear-covering thingy when I rode my bike the other day. That wind - brrr!!
Sunday arrived with some very sick individuals. Kris was hurling Saturday night, even before bed, an act which he continued when he woke up Sunday morning. I, too, was not feeling so well. It was a long drive back to Edmonton.
My old friend and roommate from UBC, Kathryn Bruggencate, married Jamie Kenny this Saturday. Garrett, Bonnie, Kris and I drove down to Calgary to attend it this weekend.
We came up with a good idea for our Halloween costumes - we are going as a group. A bunch of my friends, that is.
Upon Amanda's advice, I bought Pumpkin a zoom groom. This is a purple rubber cat comb, with large rubber purple nubbins to pet the cat with. Amanda's cat Kappa has one, and he absolutely loves it. It doubles as a de-furring tool and kitty massage bar. So, since Pumpkin hated her current cat comb, I decided to try out the zoom groom.
Today, Garrett, Bonnie and I went geo-caching. This is like a high-tech treasure hunt. People hide little boxes (usually tupperware or plastic containers) with little trinkets in it and a log book, where you can sign your name when you find it. People hide these containers all over the place and log the coordinates on their GPS. Then, they put the coordinates on the internet, with or without some hints, where others can download the coordinates and try to find the cache.
We went to Garrett's parents house for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday night. Garrett's mom made a delicious meal, complete with turkey, ham, potatoes, stuffing, gravy, buns and vegetables. Plus, there was homemade pumpkin pie for dessert! Very good. I was pretty full when we were done.
On Saturday night, Garrett, Bonnie and I went to watch a boxing match!
Garrett and I went to the pet store tonight to look at those carpet kitty gymnasiums. You know what I mean. What is the proper term for these things?
Today I was killed.
Two years ago I ran this game in my department with my friend Graeme. This year, Joelle and I have revived it a second time (with the hopes of it becoming an annual event). I originally played this game in residence during my undergrad. I took the rules as I remembered them (and check the internet a bit to confirm) and typed them up as follows:
I have some random stuff to post about today.
Tonight was our second game of Dodgeball. It was WAY different than last week, that's for sure. Last week, we played a team that was also full of rookies (as we are), so we learned the rules together and had a good, friendly yet competitive game. This week, we played a team that had obviously played before, and I think they felt it was their job to take it to us. Not only did they throw the ball harder than anyone I've yet seen, they didn't ever hold back. For example, in one round, Mel was the last player left against two male players. These two players, however, did not throw strategically to take her out gently. Rather, they both threw it as hard as they could and hit her in multiple spots - completely unnecessary. The ref actually stopped the game to point out that the teams shouldn't be doing this, to make sure it didn't happen again. He stopped them a few other times to make them play clean too - once because one player kept throwing high fast balls at the extra players sitting on the bench. It's kindof scary in there with a team like that - balls are flying everywhere, really quickly, and you are definately not safe when you are on the bench for that round.